Earlier today, Nigerian comedian, Baba De Baba came under fire for an inappropriate comic skit on rape where he said things like, 'If I want a girl that will sleep in my house and I will spend money on her, I will invite my sister. If you can't sleep with a man, don't go to his house'. LIB reached out to the comedian who has now deleted the post and sent us his official apology. Read his apology after the cut.. I want to personally apologize to those who find my "Rape Nonsense" video offensive. I didn't mean to project RAPE but the MORAL aspect of the video but its unfortunate that nobody cares about morals any more. The video is about a girl who visited a guy who is not a pastor nor her blood relative and she stayed in his house for a week spending his money and sleeping in the same bed with him, denied him sex and he raped her. I intended passing a passage that most men can't control their sexual urge so in order no...